Saturday 31 March 2012

Spoiler Vs. The Penguin at MCM Expo Birmingham

As promised here are some piccies, unfortunatley my mask is more see through on the pics then it was really but you get the idea :)

Thursday 29 March 2012

He's here !

After 6 long months of waiting her arrived today ! Say hello to Hot Toys '89 Batman. Complegte with all kinds of goodies and one extremly sexy face ( well ... 3 actually !).

Isn't he scrumptious !  I love everything about this figure, the expression on the changeable mouth pieces, the hidden eye mechanism, the ligh up base, the horde of props and interchangeable parts ! Ity is seriously perfect. Expect not to see me for a while. I have a new toy to break in !
 The Geek Girl

Sunday 25 March 2012

It's a boy !

Congratulations to my good friends Will and Charlie who have had a little boy x

Tuesday 20 March 2012

For Shame

I hang my head in shame, for it has been a whole week since I updated .

Forgive me my sins.

So a week in a post.... here goes:

Monday - work

Tuesday - Uni tutorial

Wednesday - work

Thursday - Swimming ! ( yikes ) and then BINGO - no winnings here , boo.

Friday - Bought Batgirl and Suicide Squad #7 . sigh..... How I miss the pre reboot stories. Harley is still great but I just can't deal with that stupid mini cape/ruff thing. Also treated myself to 'The Dark Crystal, Creation Myths'. Beautiful book, can't wait to read it !

Saturday - Jumble sale, then ebay. I love second hand junk !

Sunday - watched The Never Ending Story, how terrifying that is on viewing 20 years later !  Followed by Field of Dreams. Odd. very odd. Topped off with a visit to my dear geeky friend Nick who caught me up on why Dan Didio is scum.

Yesterday - work

Today - work. Followed by 1 hour of boredom which lead to my second ever graphics tablet creation :
Ok I'm no Picasso, but , do you like it ?

The first was a spoof DC cover for a competition, I will be sure to post a copy once the comp is finished. Not bad for a newbie :)

Hopefully I won't be such a slacker and leave it a week this time. x

Thursday 8 March 2012

Medium Pimpin'

How time flies when your manager is off sick and you are working all the hours god sends .

I have received several items for my MCM Expo cosplay, I can't wait for the 31st now ! I haven't had much time to read or review but I did squeeze in Superhero Movie a couple of nights ago. A couple of chuckles and I barely had to watch it to understand the plot, its just a spiderman / slapstick crossbreed.

The next 2 pieces of the DC chess set turned up , very nice ! I think the Btaman model is the worst so far so probably wasn't the best introduction to the series.

On a slightly different note, the awe-inspiring, ultra talented and generally nice guy Mr James Eatock has some copies of his magical marvellous mystery magazine to sell, Cereal:Geek. I have been buying it since issue 1 and highly recommend it to anyone who loves the 80's animation and accompanying toy lines.

Geeks follow me here and enjoy !

Thursday 1 March 2012

2 days off , yeah right

Having spent my 2 days off cathing up one a months worth of coursework and essay writing means little room for much else. I have , however, managed to fit in buying bits for my MCM Expo cosplay outfit. First time I'll be joining in with cosplayers so wish me luck ! I'll be sure to put photos up, no prizes for guessing who I am going as but as a "not exactly slim" girl I have struggled !

 ( There's still a month to go, I can lose 4 stone, right ?????)

So back to normal for a few weeks until the next deadline crunch. First on the list is finishing Gotham Central Book 2, which I am throughly enjoying. Then I must spend some time catching up with my Japanese , It's probably been 6 months since my last go !

失敗する (Shippai suru)

or 'FAIL' in English.

Monday 27 February 2012

Back to (so called) reality.

Hello friends !

After a week recovering from a car accident and having to say goodbye to my beloved Cinquecento I am happy to finally be returing to form. Thanks for the well wishes everyone !

This weekend I watched the movie 'Super'. To be honest I had never heard of this before and only came across it for £2 in a charity shop ! If I had to describe it in one word it would be .....strange. The intro theme goes on way to long with some poor artwork, but as the film continues the reasons for this crayon monstrosity becomes clear. I rekon alot of people may have turned this off within the first 15 minutes, despite the line up of good ( or maybe just famous ) actors. Ellen Page, Kevin Bacon and Liv Tyler make it seem like this movie should have been screaming at us from the trailers 'WATCH US'.

It is totally bizarre and if you can survive the first 20 minutes and the extremely odd tentacle hallucination (yes really) then this movie certainly is worth watching. If you can pick it up for a few pounds I recommend it , but its probably not a repeat viewer. The ending is nicely put together and brings a smile to your face but the lead character isn't exactly likeable. Its not paticularly funny or overly noir.

to summarise, - odd, thought provoking, psycho Ellen Page.

Sounds like your kinda thing? Go for it !

The Geek Girl x

Thursday 23 February 2012


Today is the day ! At around 4pm GMT myself and other brave soles will start a Batman movie marathon ! Highlights will include mistletoe kisses , PVC kittys and Joker men. The swearing and general fury will begin with the appearance of Val Kilmer, Clooney, bat-nipples and the BAT CREDIT CARD ! ( ARGGHHHHHHHH !) Sorry, little preview there.

Good times ahead !

Keaton = YES !!!!!

Clooney = NOOOOOOOO !

Sunday 19 February 2012

Out with the old

Having visited a certain geeky friend yesterday I was reminded that this is not my first venture into blogging, 7 years ago I made my final entry on LIVEJOURNAL ! Now that was a blast from the past, crikey ! Having just read every post from 2002 onwards I am quite pleased to have found several regarding Batman , collecting action figures and watching movies. Other then the teen angst and endless houseparties not a lot has changed !

But after my trip down memory lane I would very much like to delete that account. Unfortunatley I dont have the email address I used for it anymore so I can't. Surely there is some way to request the account is deleted? Any thoughts please let me know !

Onto other things, my beloved has become obsessed with this object :

She really is beautiful.
But where to put her. And with the upcoming Hot Toys line up will she be outshone by the PVC clad temptress?

I guess there is only one way to find out, BUY BOTH !

The Geek Girl x

Thursday 16 February 2012

STEPHANIE ARRIVED TODAY ! She is sooo beautiful. All the way from the states in just a few days, I am very impressed. Sadly I would love to take her out of her packaging to display her but its that horrible plastic that needs a lightsaber to cut through so I can't get her out without wrecking her box, so I think I shall leave her in there for now.

On a similar note I am VERY excited about this :

...... I may need to start saving, or selling off my organs. Internal that is, I'm not musical , haha !

The Geek Girl x

Sunday 12 February 2012

Who watches the Watchmen? The geek girl does !

Somehow I managed to go 3 years without seeing this movie.

How the HELL did that happen !

I had heard mixed reviews, It was on my to-do list since it was released at the cinema, but being a Batman fan something 'Gothamy' always took priority, until I saw the DVD on sale in Tesco for £3. I have to say I was throughly transfixed until the good-bad-good guy had a bigger role at the end. Not a favourite but one I will watch again, and I will keep an eye out for the graphic novel from now on. I must admit I am feeling the love for Doctor Manhattan, but maybe thats the naked glowing blueness of him.... no? Just me?

I'll leave it at that then *cough cough*

Saturday 11 February 2012

Check mate or check off ?

I first saw this chess set when it was briefly released in 2011 and just as quickly withdrawn. At the time I assumed it was down to lack of interest and profits but now I know better....... thanks to the reboot and the upcoming Nolan movie I think timing was the real explanation.

So having been re-released this week I thought I'd test run the first piece !

for my £2.99 I got the 5" tall batman piece, an information magazine and and introduction leaflet .

The piece itself is pretty good quality and looks good for display as it is. Not sure it is worth the £7.99 normal issue price but the piece itself is nice enough.

The first real dissapointment comes with the introductory leaflet. In the original set the white pieces included Barbara as Oracle and Stephanie as Batgirl. Unfortunatly the set has been changed to tie with with the reboot ( thanks again DC ... grrrr.). It now includes Barbara as Batgirl , no Oracle, no Stephanie and Cassandra (Black Bat) is there instead ! This has majorly put me off the set, as I know the characters I know and love have been erased. Otherwise the line up is fine.

The magazine does not appear to have changed from the initial run, all of the art work depicts pre-reboot characters and just rubs salt in the wounds of the new line up. The information is interesting but a little out of date when you consider they have tried to tie it in with the new 52. But as none of us really know the new or altered back stories of the characters I guess they didn't have much choice.

Overall I'm not sure I would subscribe but this is mostly due to the alterations and removal of some of my favourite charaters. Otherwise this appears to be a quality set for the overall money. I would reccommend just buying batman purely as a figure though !

I do have one other bug bear.... why is Batman the 'white king' , we all know he should be the 'dark knight' !

The fools.....
The Geek Girl x

Wednesday 8 February 2012

She's Not Ugly !

What a beauty. Meet Stephanie Brown, she will be on her way to me any day now ! I'M SO EXCITED !
The only trouble is she will remind me of the pre-reboot DC days. Oh how I miss them.

She's still pretty though!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

DC Universe ( are you ) online?

I thought I'd give the DC online universe free to play game a try, got myself set up with a user name, ready to go .

downloading .................

downloading .................

downloading .................

.................................................  3 hours for 4%, thats AWFUL !

Today it won't even connect. So, so far no recommendation, review or even evidence that this game exists from me. I'm hoping things improve over the next 97 hours of (potential) download time.

Don't hold your breath.

The Geek Girl x

Sunday 5 February 2012

You know, that wizard detective who lives in Chicago....

Am I the only one who remembers this show?
I seem to remember it was pretty good but wasn't on for long over here in the snowy UK . Well , snowy today, this is my garden :

Anyway, back to business. I had a quick look online and found that this mystery show was called 'The Dresden Files' . Then eBay informed me that this was a series of books first ! Great, 99p for the first book, why not give it a go? Watching the DVD there too, hopefully it won't make too much and I can watch the rest , I think I only saw 3 episodes. Alongside Dexter I may have a lot of reading and watching to do on these cold snowy nights. Great excuse to stay in !

I'm afraid my 3ds may have to wait.

Saturday 4 February 2012

muddle finger

I finished Alice today ! Hooray ! Be proud of me , as I rarely even complete the first levels of games when there are nasties out to get me . 89% of secrets found too. I will certainly play this again sometime soon and try and get closer to 100%. Throughly enjoyable if a little disturbing, especially the doll maker - I turned the sound off for him !

But this has left me with a little problem, I have now returned to Ocarina 3D on my 3DS. This in itself is excellent as I love this game, but I keep using the wrong controls as I'm so used to Alice's configuration ! Nightmare.

Also I have just become adult link and I still only have a 99 rupee wallet ! I honestly didn't think that was possible, definatley going back to young link asap and getting a lot more completed. Wish me luck !

On a side note I may have loved Alice so much that I have ordered the art book *blush*, review to follow !

Thursday 2 February 2012

Recovery !

One week, 20 lemsips, 3 packets of lockets and many hours curled up in blankets later I am back ! Unfortunatly first thing on the list was a 1200 word essay for my Open University course, but now that's out of the way I can geek out ! Over the past 4 hours I have :

Played the third chapter of Alice; Madness returns - excellent but scary
Read NEO from cover to cover - excellent and 'genki'
Tried to find Thudercats series 1 ( 2011 series ) on DVD , to find its region 1 only **cry**

So I'm feeling much better. Gutted about Thundercats though ! I will have to try and catch up when it comes on channel 5.

THUNDERCATS ! ....ooooooooh :(

Tuesday 31 January 2012

We're out to discover !

After looking forward to the lastest issue of NEO dropping onto my doorstep I was getting itchy fingers when it was 2 days late, so I decided to peruse my local newsagents for something to read in the mean time and I made a rather good discovery ;

The cover pretty much sold me but the price of £7.99 did make me pause.... briefly.

Coming with some free 'New 52' postcards and a graphic novel made it sit more comfortably in my conscience!

Lots of interesting interviews, reviews and previews make this a great magazine, its a shame its only a 2 monthly publication but that does make the price a little let harsh on the wallet. So I treated myself to a subscription at £29 a year for 6 issues, not bad at all !

Nice to see some smaller publishers included alongside the big hitters and certainly opened my eyes to some titles I could easily have missed. Even if you only buy this issue the top 50 villlans makes great reading. Give it a go !

The Geek Girl x

Thursday 26 January 2012

last christmas?

So it's late last december , early in the morning and I'm so excited to see what's been left for me , so I run down stairs to find........

The 2012 Lego Catalogue !

Full of beautiful, wonderous things. One such item I have already reviewed but this, THIS is the one I was waiting for ;
Flipping through the catalogue I was seriously excited to come across this. But a little dissapointed to see the £44.99 price tag.
Expecting just to order the 'Catcycle' set I was VERY pleased to see the website price was £39.99 .... and then to find I had a £5 VIP voucher saving me a tenner overall ! ADD TO CART ADD TO CART !!!!!!!

I have since received , built and played with this set. Needless to say I love it, whats not to like?
5 minfigs INCLUDING Harley
a rollercoaster
a funhouse with moving floors and giant hammers
and a great looking set to display.

If I absolutley HAD to criticise this set , I guess the coaster could have had a bit more track
The 'comic book' is not so much a comic as some pictures of the sets you can buy, but with no words
And even at the reduced price its not a huge set.

But, having only got mine a couple of weeks ago this set has already sold out online, so If you see ONE GRAB IT AND NEVER LOOK BACK !

The Geek Girl x

Tuesday 24 January 2012

They got me !

Game over. I have been beaten down.

Ok so it's not quite that dramatic. I have tried my best to find 'The Big Bang Theory' funny and I just don't. Yes the odd laugh but generally its not my thing. BUT .

After spending a slightly alcohol induced night with some of my wayward friends I have been convinced that , If I only "watch them properly, from the start", I WILL GET IT ! The laughs will come and I won't be the cold lonely outcast in a world of Sheldon Lovers.

Thanks Amazon, I get 4 seasons of DVDs, you got my £28, now lets see what it was worth !

"Bazinga" .

The Geek Girl x

Sunday 22 January 2012

Sometimes I like my T.V

After what seemed like HOURS of typing up minutes I was very excited to turn on my TV to find 'Back to the Future' on , followed by 'Spiderman' !

That's a great way to spend a Sunday evening in when you have nothing else to do , I had forgotton how much I love these movies.

Spiderman in paticular made me want to watch the third in the series. I have never seen it due to bad reviews , but with the upcoming 'The Amazing Spider Man' it would be good to have the full trilogy in my head before watching it.

I am not a Marvel fan as far as the comics go, but they do pop out some good movies now and then. Should be an interesting one, with only 10 years between the two.

and for a little extra, here is the result of my A-Level R.E. revision from 2002.No wonder my teacher wasn't too pleased with me,  Haha !

I hope you enjoyed your weekends !
The Geek Girl *~* x

Spectres call part 2

I have slooooooowly got to chapter 4 and I'm getting back into the swing of things. Still finding there is too much dialogue but the mini games give me a bit of variety. Some of the puzzle truely have me stumped too. I think this series needs a certain frame of mind to enjoy and can get old quite quickly BUT there is a charm to Layton and I won't be abonding him just yet :)

Apologies for my absence this weekend, but duty calls and I spent hours typing up some minutes from a meeting last week. But thats that done for 3 months , so on with the gaming !

Thursday 19 January 2012


Just finished watching 'Kick-Ass'. Only the second time I've seen it and I BLOODY LOVE IT !

Pay day priority #1 : buy the graphic novel.

Although I have heard it isn't as good, but I'm not one to judge, and any excuse to compare it to the movie so I can watch it again, purely for education reviewing reasons you understand.......
*cough cough*

oh.. .why hello there blue eyes................

Ahh, super heroes.

The Geek Girl *~*

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Professor Layton

I have completed the Prof Layton Trilogy and throughly enjoyed them all, so I was looking forward to the latest addition of a prequel.

About an hour in so far and it's much the same, nothing to complain about really , but I am finding I understand what these puzzles want from me so its not such a challenge now and , as there are 3 main charaters there is waaaaay too much talking.

I am hoping it improves, maybe its just too much of the same thing, maybe it's a bit stale, I'm not sure. Normally I can happily play with Layton and Luke for hours but this is just mindless stabbings with my stylus so far.

But I will fearlessly game on and see how it goes. I don't want to leave my gentlemenly friend , but he's getting a teensy but dull.

The Geek Girl

Tuesday 17 January 2012


Good morning from the grey UK, which got marginally brighter when I discovered these in my local Primark ;

Batgirl knickers ! Ok, so they aren't my beloved Steph Brown , but for £1 in the sale I think I can cope with Babs :)

Go forth and BUY while there are still some left !

The Geek Girl  *~* !

Monday 16 January 2012

Catcycle Lego

So why not start with a review of something that hits 2 sweet spots at once? !
Yes , that's LEGO and BATMAN ! Bonus !

With some of my Christmas money I treated myself to this little beauty
This is set 6858 'Catwoman Catcycle City Chase', part of the new Lego 'Super Heroes' Line , which brances out from just Batman to include some other DC characters. At the cheaper end of the line ( at £11.99) I was well pleased to get Catwoman in the bargain !
So the box itself is standard Lego style, perforated thumb spot to open it which saves ruining the nice packaging.

When put together you get this -
Features include :
Catwoman on Catcycle with 'Gem' and whip
Batman with Batarang and Jetpack
5 boxes
Street corner with Newspaper stand and 2 Newspapers
Traffic light

Ok then, the good points !

Both minifigs have 2 facial expressions which makes them great for action poses etc
Costumes are nicely detailed
The newspapers have an actual story printed on them, which is a nice touch

And a couple of 'constructive criticisms' , lol

When Batman has no cowl on he looks like he is wearing a white headband which is a bit of a shame as his eyes would work fine under the mask anyway
Batmans Jetpack is a little heavy so he doesn't stand well if not on a brick
There is very little area to 'click' the minifigs feet onto
The traffic light is not 4 sided

Overall I like this set a lot, for £12 it comes with lots of good pieces and makes a great display. Definatley one to get if you have the space.Have a look for youself and give me some feedback !

The Geek Girl.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Coming soon .....

I've been told it is best to start at the start. So Hello ! This is me :

In all my Ghostbusting Finery.
I have decided that it is high time for us geek girls to be loud and proud, and to investigate the goings on in the world of comics, movies, toys and video games as far as we can.

I myself am most interested in Batman comics and the DC universe, Sci Fi films, silly fantasy novels, Japanese Culture, video games ( that I do don't die at within the first 5 miuntes) everything NINTENDO and collecting action figures and LEGO !

In my first posts I am hoping to cover:

- The New Thundercats series and accompanying figures
- The Dark Knight Rises
- The DC New 52
- Lego collections for 2012
- Whats hot on Ebay
- Recent Xbox and Nintendo DS Games

and more ! Please do join in and get involved in the conversations, Theres a world of Geek out there that I wanna enjoy ,

The Geek Girl x

Well Hello

So apparently us Geek Girls are a rare breed  indeed ! So here is a little glimpse into what my geekchic life reveals , Thanks for stopping by , The Geek Girl x