Saturday 31 March 2012

Spoiler Vs. The Penguin at MCM Expo Birmingham

As promised here are some piccies, unfortunatley my mask is more see through on the pics then it was really but you get the idea :)

Thursday 29 March 2012

He's here !

After 6 long months of waiting her arrived today ! Say hello to Hot Toys '89 Batman. Complegte with all kinds of goodies and one extremly sexy face ( well ... 3 actually !).

Isn't he scrumptious !  I love everything about this figure, the expression on the changeable mouth pieces, the hidden eye mechanism, the ligh up base, the horde of props and interchangeable parts ! Ity is seriously perfect. Expect not to see me for a while. I have a new toy to break in !
 The Geek Girl

Sunday 25 March 2012

It's a boy !

Congratulations to my good friends Will and Charlie who have had a little boy x

Tuesday 20 March 2012

For Shame

I hang my head in shame, for it has been a whole week since I updated .

Forgive me my sins.

So a week in a post.... here goes:

Monday - work

Tuesday - Uni tutorial

Wednesday - work

Thursday - Swimming ! ( yikes ) and then BINGO - no winnings here , boo.

Friday - Bought Batgirl and Suicide Squad #7 . sigh..... How I miss the pre reboot stories. Harley is still great but I just can't deal with that stupid mini cape/ruff thing. Also treated myself to 'The Dark Crystal, Creation Myths'. Beautiful book, can't wait to read it !

Saturday - Jumble sale, then ebay. I love second hand junk !

Sunday - watched The Never Ending Story, how terrifying that is on viewing 20 years later !  Followed by Field of Dreams. Odd. very odd. Topped off with a visit to my dear geeky friend Nick who caught me up on why Dan Didio is scum.

Yesterday - work

Today - work. Followed by 1 hour of boredom which lead to my second ever graphics tablet creation :
Ok I'm no Picasso, but , do you like it ?

The first was a spoof DC cover for a competition, I will be sure to post a copy once the comp is finished. Not bad for a newbie :)

Hopefully I won't be such a slacker and leave it a week this time. x

Thursday 8 March 2012

Medium Pimpin'

How time flies when your manager is off sick and you are working all the hours god sends .

I have received several items for my MCM Expo cosplay, I can't wait for the 31st now ! I haven't had much time to read or review but I did squeeze in Superhero Movie a couple of nights ago. A couple of chuckles and I barely had to watch it to understand the plot, its just a spiderman / slapstick crossbreed.

The next 2 pieces of the DC chess set turned up , very nice ! I think the Btaman model is the worst so far so probably wasn't the best introduction to the series.

On a slightly different note, the awe-inspiring, ultra talented and generally nice guy Mr James Eatock has some copies of his magical marvellous mystery magazine to sell, Cereal:Geek. I have been buying it since issue 1 and highly recommend it to anyone who loves the 80's animation and accompanying toy lines.

Geeks follow me here and enjoy !

Thursday 1 March 2012

2 days off , yeah right

Having spent my 2 days off cathing up one a months worth of coursework and essay writing means little room for much else. I have , however, managed to fit in buying bits for my MCM Expo cosplay outfit. First time I'll be joining in with cosplayers so wish me luck ! I'll be sure to put photos up, no prizes for guessing who I am going as but as a "not exactly slim" girl I have struggled !

 ( There's still a month to go, I can lose 4 stone, right ?????)

So back to normal for a few weeks until the next deadline crunch. First on the list is finishing Gotham Central Book 2, which I am throughly enjoying. Then I must spend some time catching up with my Japanese , It's probably been 6 months since my last go !

失敗する (Shippai suru)

or 'FAIL' in English.